
Op 6 oktober 2023 heeft iedereen van 16 jaar en ouder een email ontvangen op het mailadres wat bij ons bekend is. Deze mail bevat informatie om toegang te krijgen via DigiD tot het nieuwe patiëntenportaal en de bijbehorende app MedGemak.

In dit portaal kunt u bijvoorbeeld:

  • Uw medisch dossier online inzien
  • Berichten veilig versturen naar en ontvangen van uw zorgverlener
  • Uw medicatie voorgeschreven door de huisarts herhalen
  • Wijzigingen van gegevens (als woonadres, emailadres, telefoonnummer) doorgeven

Instructies zijn terug te vinden op

English version of the mailing received on 6th of October

At the beginning of September 2023, we switched to a new computer system, which also includes a new patient portal and a new app. The old portal and the Uw zorg online app can no longer be used, as you may have noticed. Huisartsencentrum Leiden invites you to activate your account in the patient portal In this portal you can ask questions to your healthcare provider online via an e-consultation, repeat your medication and view shared lab results. You can also request and view your medical file.

How can you activate your account on
Patients aged 16 and older who are registered with Huisartsencentrum Leiden can activate their account. Go to Then click on the large login button at the top right of the main page and log in with your DigiD. As soon as you log in to the portal for the first time, you digitally sign the contract with your healthcare provider. This ensures that the exchange of your data with the practice is reliable and secure.

How can you activate the MedGemak app?
In addition to the portal, you can also use the MedGemak app. This app has virtually the same functionalities as the portal, such as making an appointment online. Only your lab results and medical file can only be opened in the portal. To log in to the app, you can use a 5-digit PIN code of your choice. Download the app on your smartphone and/or tablet in the App Store or Google Play store.

Do you have questions? Take a look at the support page